One of the rarest birds in the world. Some birds still reside in Morocco but the only ones in the east are these birds and some in captivity in turkey. There are just 5 birds this year inc two ringed birds. More excitedly there are two unringed sub-adults reported, which means that they have appeared from an as yet undiscovered source. What a find that would be. These birds have been wintering in Ethiopia and migrating north. Tragically three were recently poisoned in Jordan.
We watched two birds, Sultan and Zenobia. You could see the satellite pack in the field. A real privilege. They are under threat from hunters, predators and starvation. Fingers crossed. Thanks to all the Ibis team who greatly helped us out and we hope our advise and comments were of use. These guys have the eyes of the world on them.
Temmincks, Bimaculated and Lesser Short toed Larks were good, as were Rock Sparrow, Chough and a trio of Egyptian Vultures. Just a shame about the rain!