Wednesday, 4 March 2009

The road to Damascus just got longer...

Car, ferry, bus, taxi, shanks pony, plane - well maybe not the latter. Our plans went into meltdown when 'Plane Stupid' (part of stop Climate Chaos) decided it was a good idea to play golf, Trump style, at Aberdeen Airport...on the run way. Thanks guys. We don't love Trump either - not just for one day...

Still we got on telly, got a free bacon sarnie from BMI and a freebie night at Heathrow. The other choice was to go to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, spend the night, then go to Damascus. All seemed a bit epic, so London it was. Omens good as we stayed in the (Bald) Ibis Hotel.

Rob S rang. The sat tagged plover is on the move and is now in Iraq. Hopefully no more travel hold ups or we might miss the party

Breaking news: Hywell spots England rugger team at Heathrow departures.